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The Calcutt Library has a wide selection of fiction, non fiction and Reference Books available. The librarian is Ms. Weber and The library secretary is Mrs. Coyle. We both love to read and enjoy seeing students develop a love of reading. We try to keep the latest Young Adult fiction available, and read from our selection often, so as to offer recommendations for students. Come see us sometime, we are open until 3pm.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 is here and we, at the library, are looking forward to a happy and successful new year. Please let us know what you have been reading. I read an adult book about animals during vacation, but now I am reading Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. It is about slavery in Rhode Island. Yes! Rhode Island had slaves. I will let you know how it is.


  1. I just finished "listening" to this book, and No, I didn't know RI had slaves, but now I do. This book was really good. As most books seem to be lately, especially historical fiction, it starts out slow, but it does get moving. It is not all sunshine and rainbows, of course, because the situations it describes are mostly sad, but overall it was a great book.

  2. Sorry, I didn't "sign" that comment, Ms Weber is Reading Chains, and Mrs Coyle just finished listening to Chains.
    Mrs. Coyle

  3. I didn't know that rhode island had slaves because I wasn't born in here. :P
