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The Calcutt Library has a wide selection of fiction, non fiction and Reference Books available. The librarian is Ms. Weber and The library secretary is Mrs. Coyle. We both love to read and enjoy seeing students develop a love of reading. We try to keep the latest Young Adult fiction available, and read from our selection often, so as to offer recommendations for students. Come see us sometime, we are open until 3pm.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Update on The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Well, this is the second in the series, following Life as We Knew It. I started it last week and was thrilled to find out that it takes place in New York City because in the first book, I had wondered what the big cities were going through. And it is interesting but a little more gruesome. I'm not sure I really like this one because some of the situations Alex finds himself in are a little too hard to take. Some readers may like that and it may keep their attention, but it was a little too gross for my taste.

Someone from Calcutt should read it after me because I would love to talk about it and see what they think.

Ms. Weber


  1. I was looking forward to this one too, I don't think I can handle gruesome, though......

  2. I always like a book that can keep me hooked on too cant wait to read this.

  3. This books seem very interesting :) i am not a raeder but some of these reviews are getting my attention

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  6. Even though it may have some gross scenes it probably made the book more intense. I may have to read the "series" and see what you mean.~Nate.D

  7. i think its definitely a book i would consider reading. *sol*
